Educational experiences in Preschool, Primary and Secondary classroom

Editor: Gabriela de la Cruz
ISBN: 978-94-92805-06-5
Language: Spanish (English titles and abstracts)
Publication date: September, 2018
Pages: 194
Description: This edited volume is composed of seventeen chapters and covers topics such as inclusion and equity in education, research and children, socio-emotional education, methodologies and learning strategies, technological resources applied to education, bullying prevention and psychometrics in school performance tests.
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Table of contents
1. Classroom participation: experiences of high school students Gabriela de la Cruz Pages 1-11
2. Empowering children in educational research: challenges, possibilities and frameworks for action Ana Castro Zubizarreta, Mari-Carmen Caldeiro-Pedreira Pages 12-21
3. Educational investment and early school-leaving. Comparative analysis between Autonomous Communities María Fátima Rosado-Castellano, Jorge Cáceres-Muñoz Pages 22-32
4. Influence of opposite emotional states over children’s academic achievement Federico Pulido Acosta Pages 33-49
5. ICT in multicultural educational context: interdisciplinary work experience Pilar Andrea Uribe Sepúlveda, Patricia Andrea Zúñiga Gómez Pages 50-65
6. Differential item functioning by sex in secondary school education students Delia Arroyo Resino Pages 66-76
7. Didactic possibilities of conceptual and mental maps Ana María Alonso Fernández Pages 77-85
8. The difference as a tool for improving coexistence within the school environment Elisabet Corzo González Pages 86-94
9. Moral emotions in educational intervention Víctor Hugo Robles Francia Pages 95-105
10. Preventiac®, an application based on the sociometric technique for the prevention of bullying Manuel Jesús Ramos Corpas Pages 106-114
11. Student attitudes towards intercultural communicative interaction Adriana Huaiquimil Hermosilla Pages 115-124
12. Service-learning, a teaching practice that promotes minors engagement on learning Domingo Mayor Paredes Pages 125-136
13. Different didactic methodologies to teach and learn Mathematics at an Early Childhood Education Adrián Balado Gómez Pages 137-146
14. ¡A escribir bien! Online game for mobile devices. Social and funny way to improve ortography Nayibe Soraya Sánchez León, Soraya Jiménez Montaña, Melissa Rivera Guzmán, José Alexander Aguilar González Pages 147-156
15. Mediation in the Educational Centres. Perceptions from Coordinators of Mediation Teams Laura García-Raga, Roser Grau Pages 157-167
16. A didactic program through ICT for the teaching and learning of the Second World War Alejandro López García Pages 168-178
17. Salactiva Project. Design and implementation of learning spaces. An innovative experience Alejandra González Hermosilla Pages 179-187