PhD training program activities from a global perspective. A comparison between two European Universities


Actividades del programa de formación de doctorado desde una perspectiva global. Una comparación entre dos universidades europeas


M. Victoria Muerza-Marín

The Bologna Process (BP) intends to create an European Higher Education area through the compatibility of degrees in the signatory countries. As a consequence, Universities have adapted its studies programmes at all academic levels. Few research has been made on the transversal training programmes required during the completion of a doctoral dissertation at a global level. This paper tries to cover the existing gap, and presents a comparison of the necessary requisites set in two Universities of two European countries: Spain and Germany. In addition, it analyses the duration and types of these doctorate programmes. The results show that differences between the analysed Universities are related to the contents of the programmes, control of activities and types of doctorate attending to the research approach, and the supervision system. The similarities are related to the duration of the doctoral programmes.

PhD, doctorate programme, higher education, globalization.


DOI: 10.58909/ad18385234



Muerza-Marín, M.V. (2018). PhD training program activities from a global perspective. A comparison between two European Universities. In REDINE (Ed.),
Innovative strategies for Higher Education in Spain. (pp. 123-130). Eindhoven, NL: Adaya Press.

PhD training program activities from a global perspective. A comparison between two European Universities